DIY Lemon Wreath


Could your entry use a little door bling? This lemon wreath looks fresh and sunny and happy. If that doesn’t say “Welcome!” – what does?!

I spotted this wreath on HowDoesShe. Thanks to Dawn’s photos and detailed instructions, I’m happy to report that this project is NOT a lemon! Rather, it was fun, easy and quick (if you don’t count supply shopping).

As promised (in my Front Door Makeover post), here you have the step by step instructions for creating this cheery summer wreath…

large grapevine wreath
     (Tip: These are readily available at craft stores. However, thrift stores will often have these
     types of wreaths. If it is decorated, just remove the decor before beginning.)
several bunches of faux green foliage
     (I ended up having to purchase two different colors because the store didn’t have
     enough in the darker color.)
faux lemons
    (Found these at Michaels. I used 16 lemons total – 7 medium, 9 small.)
lollipop sticks
    (Look in the cake decorating/candy making section of your craft store.)
hot glue gun and glue sticks
power drill
     (May or may not be necessary.)
6″ length of wire or twine

OPTIONAL:  3M Command Medium Hook
    (3 or 5 lb. capacity)

If your lemons are on stems within a bunch, use wire cutters to separate the stems.

(Skip this step if you have the kind of lemons shown in STEP 1.)

If your lemons came in a mesh bag, for example, and do not have stems, proceed with this step. Make a small hole in each lemon (about the size of the lollipop stick diameter). If your lemons are styrofoam inside, you may be able to push a lollipop stick directly into the lemon. If your lemons are plastic or resin, you will likely need a drill.

Insert a lollipop stick into each lemon. BE CAREFUL NOT TO DRILL and/or PUSH THE STICK THROUGH THE LEMON. The stick should only go about half way through the lemon. You may wish to insert a bit of hot glue into the hole to secure the stick (I didn’t find it to be necessary).

Use wire cutters to shorten the stems of your greenery bunches, leaving about 2 to 3 inches of the base stem. If your bunches are very full, you may wish to separate them into smaller bunches using the wire cutters.

Insert the foliage pieces into the grapevine wreath, overlapping the bases as you go. Make sure the stems are all going in the same direction. Bend the greenery into place so that it follows the shape of the wreath. When your greenery is all in place, you may wish to secure the bases to the wreath with hot glue (again, I did not find this to be necessary).

If you are using two different sizes of lemons, begin with the larger ones. Insert the stems/sticks of three lemons into the wreath, evenly spaced like this:

NOTE: Do not glue in place until ALL of the lemons are inserted. 

Repeat STEP 5, filling in the spaces between the first three lemons, like this:

Add the remaining lemons to form clusters of 2 and 3 around the original 6 lemons. When all of the lemons are in place, use a hot glue gun to secure the lemons and/or sticks to the wreath. In some places, I secured the bunches together by hot gluing directly between the lemons.

Use the 6″ length of wire or twine to form a loop on the back, top area of the wreath for hanging. Trim excess wire/twine; tuck base of loop into the wreath to hide it.

Hang your wreath!

I used a 3M Command Medium Hook (brushed nickel color, 3 lb. weight capacity) to hang my wreath on my front door.

I would love to see your lemon wreath! If you make one using this tutorial, share a photo of it on the 86 Lemons Facebook page!


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