Vegan Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies (Gluten-Free)

Happy World Vegan Day! That’s right, November 1 marks this annual occasion, followed by a month-long celebration called World Vegan Month. If you’re thinking of testing the waters, check out this excellent article on tips for going vegan.

It’s full of really great, practical advice from several vegan experts–and it was written by my cyber-friend, Perri. ;)

What do ya say we kick off World Vegan Month with a yummy cookie recipe? How about Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies?

Vegan Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies Gluten-Free

If you’re a vegan veteran, then you’re probably already familiar with Isa Chandra Moskowitz of Post Punk Kitchen. If you’re new to the vegan world, then PPK is a great resource that you should definitely bookmark. She has authored several vegan cookbooks, including her most recent title, Isa Does It.

I don’t have that one (yet), but I do own Veganomicon and I can tell you that it is worth the purchase. Amazing recipes aside, the first section is full of great information like guides for cooking vegetables, grains and beans as well as a vegan pantry list, kitchen equipment tips–even basic knife skills are covered.

Isa’s quirky, witty, humorous personality comes through in Veganomicon, but you’ll get an even better glimpse via her new video series called Make it Vegan! Each video is about 3½ minutes long and is both informative and entertaining. She’s a funny girl.

Vegan Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies Gluten-Free

I found this Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookie recipe on the Post Punk Kitchen site, followed by a long string of raving comments. I adapted it slightly to reduce the refined sugar and oil, as well as make it gluten-free. By the way, NEWSFLASH!!!!–I found a gluten-free flour mix that I like!

It’s called Perfect Flour Blend from Namaste Foods. You can order it here or for a better deal, check Costco, which is where I found a 5 lb. bag for about $9. I like it because not only does it work great, but it leaves no weird aftertaste.

The adaptation was successful and the end result was a moist, chewy little cookie with excellent flavor and texture. Great for a mid-afternoon snack or breakfast on-the-go.

Ready to get started? Well what are you waiting for?

Vegan Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies Gluten-Free

4 thoughts on “Vegan Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies (Gluten-Free)”

  1. Those look so delicious. I’m allergic to coconut so I’ll have to make some subs, but boy, I can’t wait to sink my teeth into one. What gluten-free flour mix did you use. I see an asterisk next to it on the ingredients list but no note. Perhaps I missed it. My readers often ask me about the best GF mix to use, but I haven’t tried many. I make my own. Thanks for sharing. I love your adaption of the recipe.

    • Hi Carla! The original recipe called for canola oil, so you could use that sub. The notes on the flour are at the bottom of the recipe page and they are also in the post. It’s called Perfect Flour Blend from Namaste Foods.


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