Vegan Apple Tart (Gluten-free)

Once in a while, I find a really good blog that sucks me in for way too long. Just one more post, I tell myself. Then that post links to another great post and there I sit, lost in someone else’s life. Why is it we are so intrigued by the lives of perfect strangers? Would we be this interested in these people if we had met face to face?

There’s something so pure about reading the day-to-day ramblings of someone else’s life. No conversational interruptions. No sensory interruptions–like weird mannerisms, annoying voice tones, overpowering perfumes, intense eye contact, and the like.

Instead, we are left to fill in the blanks on our own–the way we imagine them to be.

Vegan Apple Tart Gluten-free

I was merely searching for a vegan, gluten-free apple tart recipe when I got sucked into a vortex of gorgeous photographs, interesting life experiences, amazing style, and clever, friendly writing. The blog is called A House in the Hills and its multi-talented author is named Sarah Yates.

That would be Sarah Yates, the photographer, the chef, the interior designer, the style guru, the world traveler, the savvy writer, the mover, the shaker. That Sarah Yates. By now, I’ve lost you. You’ve jumped over to Sarah’s blog and you, too, have been sucked into the Bermuda Triangle, never to return.

Days go by. You leave this tab open in your browser, meaning to get back to that apple tart recipe. Oh hey, you’re back! Yay!

Vegan Apple Tart Gluten-free

So. About that recipe. Of course, it’s a winner. Sarah hit it out of the park. I absolutely loved it. And so will you. If you can’t bring yourself to make something this “fancy” for yourself (even though it’s really easy), then invite a friend over for coffee and together, you can relish this guiltless treat.

Vegan Apple Tart Gluten-free

Is there such a thing as a vegan, gluten-free, 5-ingredient crust with a buttery, shortbread-like flavor and texture? Why yes, my friend–this is it. The filling and glaze are equally simple and impressive. The end result is a beautiful, healthy dessert with a perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors.

A crowd-pleaser that will quickly disappear long before you’ve had a chance to mention it’s plant-based and free of gluten.

Vegan Apple Tart Gluten-free

Thanks to Sarah of A House in the Hills for sharing her delicious, beautiful recipes with the world, along with her many other talents. I literally want to make every single recipe on her blog. This won’t be the last time you hear me rave about this gal, so get used to it.

I almost forgot to mention–if you or anyone you know has Crohn’s Disease, be sure to read Sarah’s story. If you thought steroids and a lifetime of meds was the only option, think again. Based on Sarah’s recommendation, I just ordered this book for my sister (who has CD). Definitely worth a look.

9 thoughts on “Vegan Apple Tart (Gluten-free)”

  1. Oh man, this post made me chuckle!! I love your writing and sense of humour Livvy.
    This tart is absolutely breath-taking in every way. I love the idea of an apricot glaze spread on top – how unique. Stomach is grumbling now… :)

  2. Livvy, this is amazing!

    I have been searching for millet flour for days now and it seems here is Belgium, they have never heard of it. Go figure. Anyways, I will bake this cake no matter what tomorrow. Do you think I can substitute the millet flour with buckwheat, quinoa or rice flour by any chance?

    • I’m probably too late in responding, but buckwheat or quinoa flour would be good substitutes for millet flour. Rice flour is much lighter in texture, so it wouldn’t be an ideal sub.

  3. I’m not sure what went wrong, I followed directions and am a pretty good cook. The crust was so hard as to be uncuttable, my oven is accurate but I think crust needs much less time….anyway it was really not edible so I had to throw out. I’m going to try one of your cake recipes instead.


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